"Children's Outreach"
I was on the outreach team - which means we weren't building a house, though we did help in the mornings. We were there to share God’s love with the Community by putting on a kids’ program in the afternoons.
Our team consisted of 10 people, which included 2 translators - Connie Reimer, our pastor's wife, and Alexis.
In preparation for this outreach, our team met a few times and came up with games, crafts and a story. And of course snacks.
Many trips to the dollar store were made, a story was picked, games were planned - we were ready! What could possibly go wrong?
Rain. Rain in the forecast for Monday - our first day there. So, we prayed, after all, we know the One in charge of the weather. And you guessed it - no rain. We had beautiful weather the entire time.
I was on the outreach team - which means we weren't building a house, though we did help in the mornings. We were there to share God’s love with the Community by putting on a kids’ program in the afternoons.
Our team consisted of 10 people, which included 2 translators - Connie Reimer, our pastor's wife, and Alexis.
In preparation for this outreach, our team met a few times and came up with games, crafts and a story. And of course snacks.
Many trips to the dollar store were made, a story was picked, games were planned - we were ready! What could possibly go wrong?
Rain. Rain in the forecast for Monday - our first day there. So, we prayed, after all, we know the One in charge of the weather. And you guessed it - no rain. We had beautiful weather the entire time.

When we arrived at the site, I have to say, it was dismal. We realized that there
1. Were not many people in this area - where would these kids come from?
2. We didn't really have an ideal place to have this program:
-no shelter
-no space for the kids to play games,
-no place to sit for the story time.
There were two roads with a sliver of dirt, wet dirt, between them.
It would have to do. We were able to use two tables from Yugo Mission to do the crafts, we found a tarp from somewhere - still not sure where - and laid it between the two roads - and Voila! We had a place to sit for the story, and of course - play duck, duck goose! The road was used for the relay games.
-Written by Wendy
1. Were not many people in this area - where would these kids come from?
2. We didn't really have an ideal place to have this program:
-no shelter
-no space for the kids to play games,
-no place to sit for the story time.
There were two roads with a sliver of dirt, wet dirt, between them.
It would have to do. We were able to use two tables from Yugo Mission to do the crafts, we found a tarp from somewhere - still not sure where - and laid it between the two roads - and Voila! We had a place to sit for the story, and of course - play duck, duck goose! The road was used for the relay games.
-Written by Wendy

God provided all we needed. Including excellent weather! The first day, our translator Zuri, Robin and I went walking in the community inviting all the kids we could find, to come to our site for 1pm.
We had 11 kids come that first day - with parents who stayed. The parents were enjoying themselves as much as the kids! They got right into helping with the crafts, and enjoyed the story that Connie was telling. Connections were made - even if we didn't speak Spanish, it's really amazing that with your hand gestures and facial expressions - we could communicate!
Day two - the word spread and we had 17 kids.
On day 3, New Year’s day, Connie, Robin and I went on a prayer walk in the morning. We prayed for this up and coming community that there would be a school and a Church. That God's love would shine through to these lovely people, and they would know Him.
We met some people as we walked - Connie was able to greet them in Spanish, and wish them a Happy New Year. Robin and I smiled and waved! “Hola” was said a lot!
We trust God for answers to those prayers, He promises to do exceedingly more than we can even think to ask for.
That third day, we made up 25 treat bags not knowing how many kids to expect. And, you guessed it, we had 25 kids!
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself." Matt. 22:37-39
It was my absolute pleasure to go and show God's love, by loving my neighbour's, in Ensenada, Mexico. Thank you for your financial and prayer support, it was instrumental in making this trip a success.
We had 11 kids come that first day - with parents who stayed. The parents were enjoying themselves as much as the kids! They got right into helping with the crafts, and enjoyed the story that Connie was telling. Connections were made - even if we didn't speak Spanish, it's really amazing that with your hand gestures and facial expressions - we could communicate!
Day two - the word spread and we had 17 kids.
On day 3, New Year’s day, Connie, Robin and I went on a prayer walk in the morning. We prayed for this up and coming community that there would be a school and a Church. That God's love would shine through to these lovely people, and they would know Him.
We met some people as we walked - Connie was able to greet them in Spanish, and wish them a Happy New Year. Robin and I smiled and waved! “Hola” was said a lot!
We trust God for answers to those prayers, He promises to do exceedingly more than we can even think to ask for.
That third day, we made up 25 treat bags not knowing how many kids to expect. And, you guessed it, we had 25 kids!
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself." Matt. 22:37-39
It was my absolute pleasure to go and show God's love, by loving my neighbour's, in Ensenada, Mexico. Thank you for your financial and prayer support, it was instrumental in making this trip a success.